Dr Nicole Highet is the founder and CEO of COPE: the Centre of Perinatal Excellence. As a Doctor of Psychology and former deputy CEO of beyondblue, Nicole established COPE to give a dedicated focus on emotional and mental health of expectant and new parents.


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2.30pm – 2.55pm : Emotional And Mental Health In The First Year Of Parenthood
The transition to parenthood brings with it many challenges – from conception, through pregnancy, birth and the first year following, birth.

In this workshop Nicole will highlight the range of challenges that many expectant and new parents face, and the potential impacts that this can have on emotional and mental health. We will also consider the common barriers that prevent 74% of women seeking the help they need early.

Her presentation will also provide expectant and new parents with valuable knowledge and insights to help you to as to identify and understand stress, depression and anxiety – what these common conditions look like and feel like, and when to seek help.

You will also be provided with access to the latest tools and resources to support you throughout pregnancy, birth and your first year of motherhood.

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